Changes since version 1.6-dev4 : Baptiste Assmann (9): MINOR: dns: dns_resolution structure update: time_t to unsigned int BUG/MEDIUM: dns: DNS resolution doesn't start BUG/MAJOR: dns: dns client resolution infinite loop MINOR: dns: coding style update MINOR: dns: new bitmasks to use against DNS flags MINOR: dns: dns_nameserver structure update: new counter for truncated response MINOR: dns: New DNS response analysis code: DNS_RESP_TRUNCATED MEDIUM: dns: handling of truncated response MINOR: DNS client query type failover management Thierry FOURNIER (3): MEDIUM: actions: remove ACTION_STOP BUG/MEDIUM: lua: outgoing connection was broken since 1.6-dev2 (bis) BUG/MINOR: lua: last log character truncated. Willy Tarreau (6): BUG/MAJOR: http: don't manipulate the server connection if it's killed BUG/MINOR: http: remove stupid HTTP_METH_NONE entry BUG/MAJOR: http: don't call http_send_name_header() after an error MEDIUM: tools: make str2sa_range() optionally return the FQDN BUG/MINOR: tools: make str2sa_range() report unresolvable addresses BUG/MEDIUM: dns: use the correct server hostname when resolving