Changes since version 1.6-dev5 : Baptiste Assmann (15): BUG/MAJOR: can't enable a server through the stat socket MINOR: server: Macro definition for server-state MINOR: cli: new stats socket command: show servers state DOC: stats socket command: show servers state MINOR: config: new global directive server-state-base DOC: global directive server-state-base MINOR: config: new global section directive: server-state-file DOC: new global directive: server-state-file MINOR: config: new backend directives: load-server-state-from-file and server-state-file-name DOC: load-server-state-from-file MINOR: init: server state loaded from file MINOR: server: startup slowstart task when using seamless reload of HAProxy MINOR: cli: new stats socket command: show backend DOC: servers state seamless reload example BUG: dns: can't connect UDP socket on FreeBSD Emeric Brun (3): BUG/MEDIUM: peers: some table updates are randomly not pushed. BUG/MEDIUM: peers: same table updates re-pushed after a re-connect BUG/MINOR: fct peer_prepare_ackmsg should not use trash. James Rosewell (6): MINOR: http: made CHECK_HTTP_MESSAGE_FIRST accessible to other functions MINOR: global: Added new fields for 51Degrees device detection DOC: Added more explanation for 51Degrees V3.2 BUILD: Changed 51Degrees option to support V3.2 MAJOR: 51d: Upgraded to support 51Degrees V3.2 and new features MINOR: 51d: Improved string handling for LRU cache Pieter Baauw (2): DOC: add references to rise/fall for the fastinter explanation MINOR: support cpu-map feature through the compile option USE_CPU_AFFINITY on FreeBSD Thierry FOURNIER (32): BUG/MAJOR: lua: potential unexpected aborts() BUG/MINOR: lua: breaks the log message if his size exceed one buffer MINOR: action: add private configuration MINOR: action: add reference to the original keywork matched for the called parser. MINOR: lua: change actions registration MEDIUM: proto_http: smp_prefetch_http initialize txn MINOR: channel: rename function chn_sess to chn_strm CLEANUP: lua: align defines MINOR: http: export http_get_path() function MINOR: http: export the get_reason() function MINOR: http: export function http_msg_analyzer() MINOR: http: split initialization MINOR: lua: reset pointer after use MINOR: lua: identify userdata objects MEDIUM: lua: use the function lua_rawset in place of lua_settable BUG/MAJOR: lua: segfault after the channel data is modified by some Lua action. CLEANUP: lua: use calloc in place of malloc BUG/MEDIUM: lua: longjmp function must be unregistered BUG/MEDIUM: lua: forces a garbage collection BUG/MEDIUM: lua: wakeup task on bad conditions MINOR: standard: avoid DNS resolution from the function str2sa_range() MINOR: lua: extend socket address to support non-IP families MINOR: lua/applet: the cosocket applet should use appctx_wakeup in place of task_wakeup BUG/MEDIUM: lua: socket destroy before reading pending data MEDIUM: lua: change the GC policy OPTIM/MEDIUM: lua: executes the garbage collector only when using cosocket BUG/MEDIUM: lua: don't reset undesired flags in hlua_ctx_resume MINOR: applet: add init function MINOR: applet: add an execution timeout MINOR: stream/applet: add use-service action MINOR: lua: add AppletTCP class and service MINOR: lua: add AppletHTTP class and service Willy Tarreau (47): DOC: add the documentation about internal circular lists DOC: add a CONTRIBUTING file DOC: add a MAINTAINERS file BUG/MAJOR: peers: fix a crash when stopping peers on unbound processes DOC: update coding-style to reference BUG/MEDIUM: stick-tables: fix double-decrement of tracked entries BUG/MINOR: args: add name for ARGT_VAR DOC: add more entries to MAINTAINERS DOC: add more entries to MAINTAINERS CLEANUP: stream-int: remove obsolete function si_applet_call() BUG/MAJOR: cli: do not dereference strm_li()->proto->name BUG/MEDIUM: http: do not dereference strm_li(stream) BUG/MEDIUM: proxy: do not dereference strm_li(stream) BUG/MEDIUM: stream: do not dereference strm_li(stream) MINOR: stream-int: use si_release_endpoint() to close idle conns BUG/MEDIUM: payload: make req.payload and payload_lv aware of dynamic buffers BUG/MEDIUM: acl: always accept match "found" MINOR: applet: rename applet_runq to applet_active_queue BUG/MAJOR: applet: use a separate run queue to maintain list integrity MEDIUM: stream-int: split stream_int_update_conn() into si- and conn-specific parts MINOR: stream-int: implement a new stream_int_update() function MEDIUM: stream-int: factor out the stream update functions MEDIUM: stream-int: call stream_int_update() from si_update() MINOR: stream-int: export stream_int_update_* MINOR: stream-int: move the applet_pause call out of the stream updates MEDIUM: stream-int: clean up the conditions to enable reading in si_conn_wake_cb MINOR: stream-int: implement the stream_int_notify() function MEDIUM: stream-int: use the same stream notification function for applets and conns MEDIUM: stream-int: completely remove stream_int_update_embedded() MINOR: stream-int: rename si_applet_done() to si_applet_wake_cb() BUG/MEDIUM: applet: fix reporting of broken write situation BUG/MINOR: stats: do not call cli_release_handler 3 times BUG/MEDIUM: cli: properly handle closed output MINOR: cli: do not call the release handler on internal error. BUG/MEDIUM: stream-int: avoid double-call to applet->release DEBUG: add p_malloc() to return a poisonned memory area CLEANUP: lua: remove unneeded memset(0) after calloc() MINOR: lua: use the proper applet wakeup mechanism BUG/MEDIUM: lua: better fix for the protocol check BUG/MEDIUM: lua: properly set the target on the connection MEDIUM: actions: pass a new "flags" argument to custom actions MEDIUM: actions: add new flag ACT_FLAG_FINAL to notify about last call MEDIUM: http: pass ACT_FLAG_FINAL to custom actions MEDIUM: lua: only allow actions to yield if not in a final call DOC: clarify how to make use of abstract sockets in socat CLEANUP: config: make the errorloc/errorfile messages less confusing MEDIUM: action: add a new flag ACT_FLAG_FIRST