Changes since version 1.6-dev7 : Andrew Hayworth (1): BUG/MINOR: Handle interactive mode in cli handler Baptiste Assmann (3): DOC: global section missing parameters DOC: backend section missing parameters DOC: stats paramaters available in frontend Christopher Faulet (7): MINOR: lru: do not allocate useless memory in lru64_lookup BUG/MINOR: http: Add OPTIONS in supported http methods (found by find_http_meth) BUG/MINOR: ssl: fix management of the cache where forged certificates are stored MINOR: ssl: Release Servers SSL context when HAProxy is shut down MINOR: ssl: Read the file used to generate certificates in any order MINOR: ssl: Add support for EC for the CA used to sign generated certificates MINOR: ssl: Add callbacks to set DH/ECDH params for generated certificates Dragan Dosen (1): BUG/MEDIUM: logs: fix time zone offset format in RFC5424 Joseph Lynch (1): BUILD: Fix the build on OSX (htonll/ntohll) Neale Ferguson (1): BUILD: enable build on Linux/s390x Vincent Bernat (1): MINOR: lua: fix a spelling error in some error messages Willy Tarreau (6): CLEANUP: cli: ensure we can never double-free error messages BUG/MEDIUM: lua: force server-close mode on Lua services MEDIUM: init: support more command line arguments after pid list MEDIUM: init: support a list of files on the command line MINOR: debug: enable memory poisonning to use byte 0 BUILD: ssl: fix build error introduced by recent commit