Changes since version 1.6.15 : Baptiste Assmann (1): BUG/MINOR: http_act: don't check capture id in backend Christopher Faulet (13): BUG/MEDIUM: stream: Be sure to release allocated captures for TCP streams BUG/MINOR: http-rules: Remove buggy deinit functions for HTTP rules BUG/MINOR: stick-table: Use MAX_SESS_STKCTR as the max track ID during parsing MINOR: proxy/http-ana: Add support of extra attributes for the cookie directive BUG/MINOR: rules: Increment be_counters if backend is assigned for a silent-drop BUG/MEDIUM: lua: Reset analyse expiration timeout before executing a lua action BUG/MEDIUM: pattern: Add a trailing \0 to match strings only if possible BUG/MEDIUM: channel: Be aware of SHUTW_NOW flag when output data are peeked BUG/MINOR: tcp-rules: Set the inspect-delay when a tcp-response action yields BUG/MEDIUM: map/lua: Return an error if a map is loaded during runtime BUG/MINOR: lua: Check argument type to convert it to IPv4/IPv6 arg validation BUG/MINOR: lua: Check argument type to convert it to IP mask in arg validation BUG/MEDIUM: pattern: Renew the pattern expression revision when it is pruned Emmanuel Hocdet (1): BUG/MINOR: ssl: fix crt-list neg filter for openssl < 1.1.1 Jerome Magnin (2): BUG/MINOR: stream: don't mistake match rules for store-request rules BUG/MINOR: pattern: handle errors from fgets when trying to load patterns Joao Morais (1): BUG/MINOR: config: Update cookie domain warn to RFC6265 Mathias Weiersmueller (1): DOC: clarify matching strings on binary fetches Thierry Fournier (1): MINOR: common: mask conversion Tim Duesterhus (4): BUG/MINOR: dns: Make dns_query_id_seed unsigned BUG/MAJOR: proxy_protocol: Properly validate TLV lengths BUG/MEDIUM: fetch: Fix hdr_ip misparsing IPv4 addresses due to missing NUL BUG/MINOR: http_act: don't check capture id in backend (2) William Dauchy (2): BUG/MINOR: dns: allow 63 char in hostname BUG/MINOR: namespace: avoid closing fd when socket failed in my_socketat Willy Tarreau (22): BUG/MINOR: listener: also clear the error flag on a paused listener BUG/MAJOR: dns: add minimalist error processing on the Rx path BUG/MEDIUM: proto_udp/threads: recv() and send() must not be exclusive. BUILD/MINOR: tools: shut up the format truncation warning in get_gmt_offset() DOC: remove references to the outdated architecture.txt BUG/MINOR: sample: fix the closing bracket and LF in the debug converter BUG/MAJOR: hashes: fix the signedness of the hash inputs BUG/MINOR: unix: better catch situations where the unix socket path length is close to the limit MINOR: compiler: move CPU capabilities definition from config.h and complete them BUG/MEDIUM: ebtree: don't set attribute packed without unaligned access support BUILD: fix recent build failure on unaligned archs MINOR: compiler: add new alignment macros BUILD: ebtree: improve architecture-specific alignment BUG/MINOR: sample: fix the json converter's endian-sensitivity BUG/MAJOR: list: fix invalid element address calculation DOC: fix incorrect indentation of http_auth_* BUG/MEDIUM: capture: capture-req/capture-res converters crash without a stream BUG/MEDIUM: capture: capture.{req,res}.* crash without a stream BUG/MEDIUM: http: the "http_first_req" sample fetch could crash without a steeam BUG/MEDIUM: shctx: really check the lock's value while waiting BUG/MEDIUM: shctx: bound the number of loops that can happen around the lock BUG/MEDIUM: ebtree: use a byte-per-byte memcmp() to compare memory blocks