Changes since version 1.7-dev4 : Baptiste Assmann (15): MINOR: cli: change a server health check port through the stats socket MAJOR: check: find out which port to use for health check at run time MINOR: server: introduction of 3 new server flags MINOR: new update_server_addr_port() function to change both server's ADDR and service PORT MINOR: cli: ability to change a server's port CLEANUP/MINOR dns: comment do not follow up code update MINOR: chunk: new strncat function MINOR: dns: wrong DNS_MAX_UDP_MESSAGE value MINOR: dns: new MAX values MINOR: dns: new macro to compute DNS header size MINOR: dns: new DNS structures to store received packets MEDIUM: dns: new DNS response parser MINOR: dns: query type change when last record is a CNAME MINOR: dns: proper domain name validation when receiving DNS response MINOR: dns: comments in types/dns.h about structures endianness Chad Lavoie (1): MINOR: cli: allow the semi-colon to be escaped on the CLI Christopher Faulet (1): BUG/MEDIUM: http/compression: Fix how chunked data are copied during the HTTP body parsing Daniel Jakots (1): BUILD: Make use of accept4() on OpenBSD. David Carlier (1): MINOR: cfgparse: few memory leaks fixes. Dinko Korunic (1): BUG/MINOR: Fix OSX compilation errors Erwan Velu (3): CLEANUP: proto_http: Removing useless variable assignation CLEANUP: dumpstats: Removing useless variables allocation CLEANUP: dns: Removing usless variable & assignation Frédéric Lécaille (1): MEDIUM: peers: Fix a peer stick-tables synchronization issue. Lukas Tribus (5): BUG/MINOR: displayed PCRE version is running release MINOR: show Built with PCRE version MINOR: show Running on zlib version MEDIUM: make SO_REUSEPORT configurable MINOR: enable IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT on backend connections Nenad Merdanovic (1): MINOR: Add fe_req_rate sample fetch Thierry FOURNIER / OZON.IO (1): MEDIUM: log: Decompose %Tq in %Th %Ti %TR William Lallemand (1): MEDIUM: cli: register CLI keywords with cli_register_kw() Willy Tarreau (16): CLEANUP: logs: remove unused log format field definitions BUG/MAJOR: stream: properly mark the server address as unset on connect retry BUG/MINOR: payload: fix SSLv2 version parser BUG/MINOR: stats: report the correct conn_time in backend's html output BUG/MEDIUM: dns: don't randomly crash on out-of-memory MINOR: tcp: make set-src/set-src-port and set-dst/set-dst-port commutative DOC: fix missed entry for "set-{src,dst}{,-port}" BUG/MINOR: vars: use sess and not s->sess in action_store() BUG/MINOR: vars: make smp_fetch_var() more robust against misuses BUG/MINOR: vars: smp_fetch_var() doesn't depend on HTTP but on the session MINOR: stats: output dcon CLEANUP: tcp rules: mention everywhere that tcp-conn rules are L4 MINOR: counters: add new fields for denied_sess MEDIUM: tcp: add registration and processing of TCP L5 rules MINOR: stats: emit dses DOC: document tcp-request session ben51degrees (1): BUILD/MAJOR:updated 51d Trie implementation to incorperate latest update to 51Degrees.c