Changes since version 1.9.10 : Adis Nezirovic (1): BUG/MINOR: Missing stat_field_names (since f21d17bb) Christopher Faulet (9): BUG/MEDIUM: lua: Fix test on the direction to set the channel exp timeout BUG/MEDIUM: proto-http: Always start the parsing if there is no outgoing data BUG/MINOR: http-ana: Reset response flags when 1xx messages are handled BUG/MINOR: h1: Properly reset h1m when parsing is restarted BUG/MEDIUM: cache: Don't cache objects if the size of headers is too big BUG/MINOR: listener: Fix a possible null pointer dereference BUG/MINOR: filters: Properly set the HTTP status code on analysis error BUG/MINOR: acl: Fix memory leaks when an ACL expression is parsed BUG/MAJOR: mux-h2: Handle HEADERS frames received after a RST_STREAM frame Jerome Magnin (1): BUG/MEDIUM: url32 does not take the path part into account in the returned hash. Lukas Tribus (1): BUG/MINOR: lua: fix setting netfilter mark Olivier Houchard (1): MEDIUM: checks: Make sure we unsubscribe before calling cs_destroy(). Willy Tarreau (7): BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h1: do not truncate trailing 0CRLF on buffer boundary BUG/MINOR: mworker: disable SIGPROF on re-exec BUG/MEDIUM: listener/threads: fix an AB/BA locking issue in delete_listener() BUG/MINOR: lb/leastconn: ignore the server weights for empty servers BUG/MEDIUM: connection: don't keep more idle connections than ever needed MINOR: stats: report the number of idle connections for each server BUG/MEDIUM: http: also reject messages where "chunked" is missing from transfer-enoding (1): DOC: fixed typo in management.txt