Changes since version 2.3.7 : Christopher Faulet (6): BUG/MEDIUM: mux-fcgi: Fix locking of idle_conns lock in the FCGI I/O callback MEDIUM: lua: Use a per-thread counter to track some non-reentrant parts of lua BUG/MEDIUM: debug/lua: Don't dump the lua stack if not dumpable MINOR: lua: Slightly improve function dumping the lua traceback BUG/MEDIUM: debug/lua: Use internal hlua function to dump the lua traceback BUG/MEDIUM: lua: Always init the lua stack before referencing the context Emeric Brun (1): BUG/MINOR: protocol: add missing support of dgram unix socket. Eric Salama (1): MINOR/BUG: mworker/cli: do not use the unix_bind prefix for the master CLI socket Ilya Shipitsin (1): BUILD: ssl: guard ecdh functions with SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh macro Olivier Houchard (1): BUG/MEDIUM: fd: Take the fd_mig_lock when closing if no DWCAS is available. Remi Tricot-Le Breton (1): BUG/MINOR: ssl: Prevent disk access when using "add ssl crt-list" Willy Tarreau (8): MINOR: time: export the global_now variable BUG/MINOR: freq_ctr/threads: make use of the last updated global time MINOR: time: also provide a global, monotonic global_now_ms timer BUG/MEDIUM: freq_ctr/threads: use the global_now_ms variable MINOR: fd: make fd_clr_running() return the remaining running mask MINOR: fd: remove the unneeded running bit from fd_insert() BUG/MEDIUM: fd: do not wait on FD removal in fd_delete() CLEANUP: fd: remove unused fd_set_running_excl()