Changes since version 2.5-dev9 : Amaury Denoyelle (9): MEDIUM: mux-quic: rationalize tx buffers between qcc/qcs MEDIUM: h3: properly manage tx buffers for large data MINOR: mux-quic: standardize h3 settings sending CLEANUP: h3: remove dead code MINOR: mux-quic: implement standard method to detect if qcc is dead MEDIUM: mux-quic: defer stream shut if remaining tx data MINOR: mux: remove last occurences of qcc ring buffer MINOR: quic: handle CONNECTION_CLOSE frame BUG/MEDIUM: cpuset: fix cpuset size for FreeBSD Bjoern Jacke (1): MINOR: proto_tcp: use chunk_appendf() to ouput socket setup errors Christopher Faulet (22): MINOR: stream: report the current filter in "show sess all" when known CLEANUP: stream: Properly indent current_rule line in "show sess all" BUG/MINOR: http-ana: Don't eval front after-response rules if stopped on back BUG/MINOR: sample: Fix 'fix_tag_value' sample when waiting for more data DOC: config: Move 'tcp-response content' at the right place BUG/MINOR: proxy: Use .disabled field as a bitfield as documented MINOR: proxy: Introduce proxy flags to replace disabled bitfield MINOR: sample/arg: Be able to resolve args found in defaults sections MEDIUM: proxy: Warn about ambiguous use of named defaults sections MINOR: proxy: Be able to reference the defaults section used by a proxy MINOR: proxy: Add PR_FL_READY flag on fully configured and usable proxies MINOR: config: Finish configuration for referenced default proxies MINOR: config: No longer remove previous anonymous defaults section MINOR: tcpcheck: Support 2-steps args resolution in defaults sections MEDIUM: rules/acl: Parse TCP/HTTP rules and acls defined in defaults sections MEDIUM: tcp-rules: Eval TCP rules defined in defaults sections MEDIUM: http-ana: Eval HTTP rules defined in defaults sections BUG/MEDIUM: sample: Cumulate frontend and backend sample validity flags REGTESTS: Add scripts to test support of TCP/HTTP rules in defaults sections DOC: config: Add documentation about TCP/HTTP rules in defaults section DOC: config: Rework and uniformize how TCP/HTTP rules are documented BUG/MINOR: proxy: Release ACLs and TCP/HTTP rules of default proxies Olivier Houchard (1): MINOR: initcall: Rename __GLOBL and __GLOBL1. Remi Tricot-Le Breton (12): REGTESTS: ssl: Fix references to removed option in test description MINOR: ssl: Add ssllib_name_startswith precondition REGTESTS: ssl: Fix ssl_errors test for OpenSSL v3 REGTESTS: ssl: Reenable ssl_errors test for OpenSSL only REGTESTS: ssl: Use mostly TLSv1.2 in ssl_errors test MINOR: http: Add http_auth_bearer sample fetch MINOR: jwt: Parse JWT alg field MINOR: jwt: JWT tokenizing helper function MINOR: jwt: Insert public certificates into dedicated JWT tree MINOR: jwt: jwt_header_query and jwt_payload_query converters MEDIUM: jwt: Add jwt_verify converter to verify JWT integrity REGTESTS: jwt: Add tests for the jwt_verify converter Tim Duesterhus (1): BUG/MINOR: lua: Fix lua error handling in `hlua_config_prepend_path()` William Lallemand (4): CI: github: switch to OpenSSL 3.0.0 REGTESTS: ssl: re-enable set_ssl_cert_bundle.vtc MINOR: ssl: add ssl_fc_is_resumed to "option httpslog" BUILD: jwt: fix declaration of EVP_KEY in jwt-h.h Willy Tarreau (21): MINOR: rules: add a new function new_act_rule() to allocate act_rules MINOR: rules: add a file name and line number to act_rules MINOR: stream: report the current rule in "show sess all" when known MINOR: proto_tcp: also report the attempted MSS values in error message MINOR: inet: report the faulty interface name in "bind" errors MINOR: protocol: report the file and line number for binding/listening errors MINOR: protocol: uniformize protocol errors MINOR: resolvers: fix the resolv_str_to_dn_label() API about trailing zero BUG/MEDIUM: resolver: make sure to always use the correct hostname length BUG/MINOR: resolvers: do not reject host names of length 255 in SRV records MINOR: resolvers: fix the resolv_dn_label_to_str() API about trailing zero MEDIUM: listeners: split the thread mask between receiver and bind_conf MINOR: listeners: add clone_listener() to duplicate listeners at boot time MEDIUM: listener: add the "shards" bind keyword BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: use correct storage for the target address MINOR: resolvers: merge address and target into a union "data" BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: fix truncated TLD consecutive to the API fix BUG/MEDIUM: jwt: fix base64 decoding error detection BUG/MINOR: jwt: use CRYPTO_memcmp() to compare HMACs DOC: jwt: fix a typo in the jwt_verify() keyword description BUG/MEDIUM: sample/jwt: fix another instance of base64 error detection