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Must be last arguments. SIGHUP received, dumping servers states. SIGHUP received, dumping servers states for proxy %s. SIGHUP: Server %s/%s is %s. Conn: %d act, %d pend, %lld tot.SIGHUP: Proxy %s %s ! Conn: act(FE+BE): %d+%d, %d pend (%d unass), tot(FE+BE): %lld+%lld.SIGHUP: Proxy %s has no servers. Conn: act(FE+BE): %d+%d, %d pend (%d unass), tot(FE+BE): %lld+%lld.SIGHUP: Proxy %s has %d active servers and %d backup servers available. Conn: act(FE+BE): %d+%d, %d pend (%d unass), tot(FE+BE): %lld+%lld.Error(s) found in configuration file : %s Using %s() as the polling mechanism. mode incompatible with and . Keeping only. is only meaningful in daemon mode. Setting limit to 1 process. Could not open configuration file %s : %s Fatal errors found in configuration. No polling mechanism available. Cannot load configuration file %s : too many configuration files (max %d). [%s.main()] Cannot fix MEM limit to %d megs. [%s.main()] Some options which require full privileges might not work well. [%s.main()] Cannot set gid %d. [%s.main()] FD limit (%d) too low for maxconn=%d/maxsock=%d. Please raise 'ulimit-n' to %d or more to avoid any trouble. [%s.main()] Cannot raise FD limit to %d. [%s.main()] Cannot enable tcp_splice. Make sure you have enough permissions and that the module is loadable. Alternatively, you may disable the 'tcpsplice' options in the configuration or add 'nosplice' in the global section, or start with '-dS'. [%s.main()] No enabled listener found (check the keywords) ! Exiting. [%s.main()] Some protocols failed to start their listeners! Exiting. [%s.main()] Some configuration options require full privileges, so global.uid cannot be changed. [%s.main()] Cannot set uid %d. Make sure you have enough permissions and that the module is loaded. [%s.main()] Cannot enable cttproxy. %s[%s.main()] Cannot chroot(%s). [%s.main()] Cannot create pidfile %s is running on backup servershas no server availableselectConfiguration file is valid %d [%s.main()] Cannot fork. Incorrect module version. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+//haproxy?statsHAProxy Statistics0123456789ABCDEF}c\bufferDumping buffer %p %02x -- %04x: - data=%p l=%d r=%p w=%p lr=%p Dumping contents from byte %d to byte %d -RCHDLQT-cCsSPRIJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecemergalertcriterrwarningnoticeinfodebugkernusermaildaemonauthsysloglprnewsuucpcronauth2ftpntpauditcron2local0local1local2local3local4local5local6local7-+[ALERT] %03d/%02d%02d%02d (%d) : [WARNING] %03d/%02d%02d%02d (%d) : sendto logger #%d failed: %s (errno=%d) socket for logger #%d failed: %s (errno=%d) <<<<>%s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %s[%d]: %s:%d [%02d/%s/%04d:%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d] %s %s/%s %ld/%ld/%s%ld %s%lld %c%c %d/%d/%d/%d/%s%u %ld/%ld task%ds%dh%dd%dmAvailable polling systems : %10s : disabled, test result OKnone test result FAILEDpref=%3d, Total: %d (%d usable), will use %s. pipe'\%c' : deprecated use of a backslash before something not '\','x' or a digit. yuHAPROXYSSLCHK HAPROXYSSLCHK N /0123456789: 'D S@g{  @U@  splice-requestsplice-responsesplice-autoaccept-invalid-http-requestaccept-invalid-http-responsedontlog-normallog-separate-errorsindependant-streamsabortoncloseallbackupscheckcacheclitcpkacontstatsdontlognullforceclosehttp_proxyhttpclosekeepalivelogasapnolingerredispatchsrvtcpkatcpsplicetransparentMissing port number: '%s' Invalid server address: '%s' Invalid server name: '%s' no backendneither frontend nor backendno rulesetnot enoughno frontendglobalnoepollnosepollnokqueuenopollnosplicequiettune.maxpolleventstune.maxacceptgroupnbprocmaxconnmaxpipesulimit-nchrootdescriptionpidfilespread-checksparsing [%s:%d] : %s listendefaultsbindinterfacemonitor-netmonitor-urimodehttpdisabledhealthenabledbind-processevenappsessionrequest-learncaptureretriesblockunlessredirectlocationprefixuse_backend(unknown)force-persistoptionhttplogtcplogclear-cookiecodedrop-querydefault_backendredisprealmhttp-checkmonitorfailbacklogfullconngracedisable-on-404send-stateappend-slashhttpchkssl-hello-chksmtpchkforwardfororiginaltoX-Original-ToexceptX-Forwarded-ForheaderHELO localhost HTTP/1.0%s %s %s OPTIONS %s HTTP/1.0 OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0 EHLOHELOcaphdrrewriteindirectinsertnocachebalanceserversourceusesrccliexpreqreppostonlyscopedomain%s; domain=%senablehide-versionshow-nodeshow-descredirrisefallfastinterdowninterbackupweightminconnmaxqueueslowstarttrackclientclientipreqdelreqdenyreqpassreqallowreqtarpitreqsetbereqisetbereqirepreqidelreqidenyreqipassreqiallowreqitarpitreqaddsrvexprspreprspdelrspdenyrspireprspidelrspidenyrspadderrorlocerrorloc302errorloc303%s%s errorfileerror near '%s' in %s sectionintefacehdr_idxptrcapInvalid port '%d' specified for address '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' ignored because %s '%s' has %s capability.%s parsing [%s:%d] : a '%s' rule placed after a 'block' rule will still be processed before. parsing [%s:%d] : a '%s' rule placed after a 'reqxxx' rule will still be processed before. parsing [%s:%d] : a '%s' rule placed after a 'reqadd' rule will still be processed before. parsing [%s:%d] : a '%s' rule placed after a 'redirect' rule will still be processed before. parsing [%s:%d] : a '%s' rule placed after a 'use_backend' rule will still be processed before. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects an integer argument. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' already specified. Continuing. parsing [%s:%d] : user/uid already specified. Continuing. parsing [%s:%d] : group/gid already specified. Continuing. parsing [%s:%d] : cannot find user id for '%s' (%d:%s) parsing [%s:%d] : cannot find group id for '%s' (%d:%s) parsing [%s:%d] : gid/group was already specified. Continuing. parsing [%s:%d] : maxconn value %d too high for this system. Limiting to %d. Please use '-n' to force the value. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects a directory as an argument. parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' expects a string argument. parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' requires valid node name - non-empty string with digits(0-9), letters(A-Z, a-z), dot(.), hyphen(-) or underscode(_). parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects a file name as an argument. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects
and as arguments. parsing [%s:%d]: 'spread-checks' needs a positive value in range 0..50. parsing [%s:%d] : unknown log facility '%s' parsing [%s:%d] : too many syslog servers parsing [%s:%d] : Unknown host in '%s' parsing [%s:%d] : unknown optional minimum log level '%s' parsing [%s:%d] : Socket path '%s' too long (max %d) parsing [%s:%d] : unknown optional log level '%s' parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' expects an integer argument (0..50). parsing [%s:%d]: spread-checks already specified. Continuing. parsing [%s:%d] : unknown keyword '%s' in '%s' section error near '%s' in '%s' sectionparsing [%s:%d] : character '%c' is not permitted in '%s' name '%s'. Parsing [%s:%d]: %s '%s' has same name as another %s. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects an argument and optionnally supports [addr1]:port1[-end1]{,[addr]:port[-end]}... parsing [%s:%d] : out of memory. parsing [%s:%d] : 'listen' or 'defaults' expected. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects address[/mask]. parsing [%s:%d]: custom id has to be unique but is duplicated in %s and %s. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' not allowed in 'defaults' section. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects an URI. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' only supports the 'transparent' and 'interface' options. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' : missing interface name. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects [addr1]:port1[-end1]{,[addr]:port[-end]}... as arguments. parsing [%s:%d]: custom id has to be > 1000. parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' expects an integer argument. parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' not allowed in 'defaults' section. parsing [%s:%d] : character '%c' is not permitted in acl name '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : error detected while parsing ACL '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : unexpected character '%c' in %s timeout. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects 'appsession' 'len' 'timeout' . parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' requires either 'if' or 'unless' followed by a condition. parsing [%s:%d] : error detected while parsing blocking condition. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects an integer argument (dispatch counts for one). parsing [%s:%d] : '%s': error detected while parsing redirect condition. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s': missing argument for '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects a redirection type ('prefix' or 'location'). parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects a backend name. parsing [%s:%d] : acl '%s' involves some response-only criteria which will be ignored. parsing [%s:%d] : error detected while parsing switching rule. parsing [%s:%d] : error detected while parsing a 'force-persist' rule. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s': unsupported HTTP code '%d'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s': missing HTTP code. parsing [%s:%d]: keyword '%s' is deprecated, please use 'option redispatch' instead. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects 'uri', 'realm', 'auth', 'scope' or 'enable', 'hide-version', 'show-node', 'show-desc'. parsing [%s:%d] : 'uri' needs an URI prefix. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' only supports 'fail'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s %s' requires either 'if' or 'unless' followed by a condition. parsing [%s:%d] : error detected while parsing a '%s %s' condition. parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' expects an option name. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' only supports 'disable-on-404'. parsing [%s:%d] : unknown option '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s %s %s' expects
[/mask] as argument. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s %s %s' expects as argument. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s %s' only supports optional values: 'except' and 'header'. parsing [%s:%d]: negation is not supported for option '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects 'code', 'prefix', 'location', 'set-cookie', 'clear-cookie', 'drop-query' or 'append-slash' (was '%s'). parsing [%s:%d] : truncating capture length to %d bytes. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects 'cookie' 'len' . parsing [%s:%d] : '%s %s' not allowed in 'defaults' section. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s %s' expects 'header' 'len' . parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects 'cookie' or 'request header' or 'response header'. parsing [%s:%d] : cookie 'rewrite' and 'indirect' modes are incompatible. parsing [%s:%d] : cookie 'rewrite', 'insert' and 'prefix' modes are incompatible. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects as argument. parsing [%s:%d] : unknown proxy mode '%s'. parsing [%s:%d]: %s references process number higher than global.nbproc. parsing [%s:%d]: %s expects 'all', 'odd', 'even', or process numbers from 1 to 32. parsing [%s:%d] : 'realm' needs an realm name. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects as argument. parsing [%s:%d] : character '%c' is not permitted in server name '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : 'log' expects either and or 'global' as arguments. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects and as arguments. Maybe you want 'maxconn' instead ? Maybe you want 'fullconn' instead ?parsing [%s:%d] : unexpected character '%c' in grace time. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects a time in milliseconds. parsing [%s:%d] : 'auth' needs a user:password account. parsing [%s:%d] : unexpected character '%c' in stats refresh interval. parsing [%s:%d]: character '%c' is not permitted in domain name '%s'. parsing [%s:%d]: domain '%s' contains no embedded dots nor does not start with a dot. RFC forbids it, this configuration may not work properly. parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' expects as argument. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' supports 'rewrite', 'insert', 'prefix', 'indirect', 'nocache' and 'postonly', 'domain' options. parsing [%s:%d] : 'scope' needs a proxy name. parsing [%s:%d]: '%s %s' invalid node name - should be a stringwith digits(0-9), letters(A-Z, a-z), hyphen(-) or underscode(_). parsing [%s:%d]: out of memory. parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' requires a parameter or 'desc' to be set in the global section. parsing [%s:%d] : unknown stats parameter '%s' (expects 'hide-version', 'uri', 'realm', 'auth' or 'enable'). parsing [%s:%d]: unable to enable checks and tracking at the same time! parsing [%s:%d] : server %s has neither service port nor check port. Check has been disabled. parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' has to be > 0. parsing [%s:%d]: invalid value %d for argument '%s' of server %s. parsing [%s:%d]: unexpected character '%c' in 'downinter' argument of server %s. parsing [%s:%d]: unexpected character '%c' in 'fastinter' argument of server %s. parsing [%s:%d] : unexpected character '%c' in 'inter' argument of server %s. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' only allowed after a '%s' statement. parsing [%s:%d] : invalid character or unterminated sequence in replacement string near '%c'. parsing [%s:%d] : bad regular expression '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects [:], 'client', or 'clientip' as argument. parsing [%s:%d]: 'track' expects [/] as argument. parsing [%s:%d] : unexpected character '%c' in 'slowstart' argument of server %s. parsing [%s:%d] : invalid source port range %d-%d. parsing [%s:%d] : weight of server %s is not within 0 and 256 (%d). parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects [:[-]], and optional '%s' as argument. parsing [%s:%d] : server %s only supports options 'backup', 'cookie', 'redir', 'check', 'disabled' ,'track', 'id', 'inter', 'fastinter', 'downinter', 'rise', 'fall', 'addr', 'port', 'source', 'minconn', 'maxconn', 'maxqueue', 'slowstart' and 'weight'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects and as arguments. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects as an argument. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects
as an argument. parsing [%s:%d] : too many '%s'. Continuing. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects as an argument. parsing [%s:%d] : status code %d not handled, error relocation will be ignored. parsing [%s:%d] : <%s> expects and as arguments. parsing [%s:%d] : custom error message file <%s> larger than %d bytes. Truncating. parsing [%s:%d] : error reading file <%s> for custom error message <%s>. parsing [%s:%d] : error opening file <%s> for custom error message <%s>. parsing [%s:%d] : <%s> expects and as arguments. parsing [%s:%d] : status code %d not handled, error customization will be ignored. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects [:], and optionally '%s' , and '%s' . parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' only supports optional keywords '%s' and '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects and [:] as arguments. parsing [%s:%d]: line too long, truncating at word %d, position %ld: <%s>. parsing [%s:%d]: negation currently supported only for options. parsing [%s:%d] : invalid or incomplete '\x' sequence in '%s'. parsing [%s:%d]: line too long, limit: %d. parsing [%s:%d] : unknown keyword '%s' out of section. config : missing timeouts for %s '%s'. | While not properly invalid, you will certainly encounter various problems | with such a configuration. To fix this, please ensure that all following | timeouts are set to a non-zero value: 'client', 'connect', 'server'. config : %s '%s' : server cannot have cookie or redirect prefix in non-HTTP mode. config : HTTP proxy %s has a cookie but no server list ! config : '%s' will be ignored for %s '%s' (requires 'option httpchk'). config : %s '%s' has no listen address. Please either specify a valid address on the line, or use the keyword. config : %s '%s' cannot use both transparent and balance mode. config : dispatch address of %s '%s' will be ignored in balance mode. Proxy '%s': loop detected for use_backend: '%s'. config : %s '%s' : fullconn is mandatory when minconn is set on a server. Proxy '%s': unable to find required use_backend: '%s'. config : %s '%s', server '%s': unable to use %s/%s fortracking: disable-on-404 option inconsistency. config : %s '%s', server '%s': unable to find required server '%s' for tracking. config : %s '%s', server '%s': unable to use %s/%s for tracking as it does not have checks enabled. config : servers will be ignored for %s '%s'. Proxy '%s': loop detected for default_backend: '%s'. Proxy '%s': unable to find required default_backend: '%s'. Proxy '%s': loop detected for setbe: '%s'. config : no line. Nothing to do ! config : %s '%s' cannot be in health mode as it has no frontend capability. config : log format ignored for %s '%s' since it has no log address. config : %s '%s', server '%s': unable to find required proxy '%s' for tracking. Proxy '%s': unable to find required setbe: '%s'. %s '%s' has no server available! %s %s has no server available! . %d active and %d backup servers left.%s %d sessions active, %d requeued, %d remaining in queue. . %d active and %d backup servers online.%s %d sessions requeued, %d total in queue. Load-balancing on %sServer %s/%s is disabledLoad-balancing on %sServer %s/%s is enabled again; name=%s/%s; node=%s; weight=%d/%d; scur=%d/%d; qcur=%dCannot bind to tproxy source address before connect() for %s '%s'. Aborting. Cannot bind to tproxy source address before connect() for server %s/%s. Aborting. Cannot bind to source address before connect() for %s '%s'. Aborting. Cannot bind to source address before connect() for server %s/%s. Aborting. Starting [%s:%s] check: out of memory. Backup %sServer %s/%s is DOWN Running on backup. via %s/%s%sServer %s/%s is UPDOWN %d/%dUP %d/%dNOLB %d/%dNOLBno check; throttle=%d%%HTTP/1.0pendconnsrc_portdstdst_portdst_connOK HTTP/1.0 200 OK HTTPTCP%08x:%s.accept(%04x)=%04x from [%s:%d] Connect from %s:%d to %s:%d (%s/%s) out of memory in event_accept(). accept(): cannot set the socket in non blocking mode. Giving up Proxy %s reached system memory limit at %d sockets. Please check system tunables. accept(): not enough free sockets. Raise -n argument. Giving up. Proxy %s reached process FD limit at %d. Please check 'ulimit-n' and restart. Proxy %s reached system FD limit at %d. Please check system tunables. clitimeoutcontimeoutsrvtimeoutrate-limittcpunknownconnectsessions%s '%s': must be 'sessions'Proxy %s started. Starting %s %s: %s Stopping %s %s in %d ms. Pausing %s %s. Enabling %s %s. %s timeout will be ignored because %s '%s' has no %s capabilityoverwriting %s timeout which was already specifiedunexpected character '%c' in %s timeout%s timeout expects an integer value (in milliseconds)undocumented 'timeout appsession' may not do what you think and will be removed in next versiontimeout '%s': must be 'client', 'server', 'connect', 'check', 'appsession', 'queue', 'http-request' or 'tarpit'overwriting %s %s which was already specified%s %s will be ignored because %s '%s' has no %s capability%s %s expects expects an integer value (in sessions/second)%s %s: unexpected character '%c' in integer value '%s'Refusing to use duplicated proxy '%s' with overlapping capabilities: %s/%s! Unable to use proxy '%s' with wrong mode, required: %s, has: %s. You may want to use 'mode %s'. Refusing to use duplicated server '%s' fould in proxy: %s! config : cookie will be ignored for %s '%s' (needs 'mode http'). config : server regular expressions will be ignored for %s '%s' (needs 'mode http'). config : client regular expressions will be ignored for %s '%s' (needs 'mode http'). config : monitor-uri will be ignored for %s '%s' (needs 'mode http'). config : Layer 7 hash not possible for %s '%s' (needs 'mode http'). Falling back to round robin. config : 'option httplog' not usable with %s '%s' (needs 'mode http'). Falling back to 'option tcplog'. Proxy %s stopped (FE: %lld conns, BE: %lld conns). %s %s failed to enter pause mode. Some proxies refused to pause, performing soft stop now. Port %d busy while trying to enable %s %s. "6Unknown command. Please enter one of the following commands only : show info : report information about the running process show stat : report counters for each proxy and server show errors : report last request and response errors for each proxy show sess : report the list of current sessions %s.%d.tmp%s.%d.bakshowstatname too long for UNIX socket (%s). Aborting. Invalid empty name for a UNIX socket. Aborting. error when trying to unlink previous UNIX socket (%s). Aborting. error when trying to preserve previous UNIX socket (%s). Aborting. cannot change UNIX socket ownership (%s). Aborting. socket(): not enough free sockets for UNIX listener (%s). Raise -n argument. Aborting. cannot make UNIX socket non-blocking. Aborting. cannot create socket for UNIX listener (%s). Aborting. cannot listen to socket for UNIX listener (%s). Aborting. cannot switch final and temporary sockets for UNIX listener (%s). Aborting. cannot bind socket for UNIX listener (%s). Aborting. out of memory in uxst_event_accept(). N1I3PD5RNIDVCONNECTDELETEGETHEADPOSTPUTTRACE`3HTTP/1.0 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html

200 OK

HAProxy: service ready.  I y  =p:%^^^^^Z`"1#""#"!G"%$,$$,$$O$HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="%s"

401 Unauthorized

You need a valid user and password to access this content. HTTP/1.0 303 See Other Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Location: HTTP/1.0 302 Found Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Location: HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permantenly Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Location: HTTP/1.0 400 Bad request Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html

400 Bad request

Your browser sent an invalid request. HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html

403 Forbidden

Request forbidden by administrative rules. HTTP/1.0 408 Request Time-out Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html

408 Request Time-out

Your browser didn't send a complete request in time. HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html

500 Server Error

An internal server error occured. HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html

502 Bad Gateway

The server returned an invalid or incomplete response. HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html

503 Service Unavailable

No server is available to handle this request. HTTP/1.0 504 Gateway Time-out Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html

504 Gateway Time-out

The server didn't respond in time. Internal error: no message defined for HTTP return code %d. Aborting. %s:%d [%02d/%s/%04d:%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d] %s %s/%s %d/%ld/%ld/%ld/%s%ld %d %s%lld %s %s %c%c%c%c %d/%d/%d/%d/%s%u %ld/%ld%s HTTP capture : out of memory. Not enough memory process_cli():asession->sessid:malloc(). HTTP logging : out of memory. Not enough Memory process_srv():asession->sessid:malloc(). Not enough Memory process_srv():asession:calloc(). Blocking cacheable cookie in response from instance %s, server %s. ; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMTmethodreq_verresp_verstatusurlurl_begurl_endurl_suburl_dirurl_domurl_regurl_ipurl_portshdrshdr_regshdr_begshdr_endshdr_subshdr_dirshdr_domshdr_cntshdr_valshdr_ippathpath_regpath_begpath_endpath_subpath_dirpath_dom"#{|}"#requri;up;norefresh;csvAuthorization: Basic Transfer-EncodingchunkedPragmano-cacheCache-controlpublicmax-age=0s-maxage=0no-storeno-cache="set-cookieSet-Cookie%08x:%s.%s[%04x:%04x]: ConnectionSet-Cookie: %s=%s; path=/srvrepsrvhdrCache-control: privateConnection: close: %d.%d.%d.%dclireqclihdr: %s /Expect100-continueContent-Lengthappsesssessidserveridappsession_task_init failed (null)appsession_refresh: cleaning up expired Session '%s' on Server %s nbsrvconnslotsfe_sess_ratebe_sess_ratefe_connbe_connavg_queuelocal address already in useCannot connect: %s. Cannot get a server socket. no free portsroundrobinleastconndepthurl_paramcheck_posthdr(use_domain_onlyCannot bind to tproxy source address before connect() for proxy %s. Aborting. Cannot bind to tproxy source address before connect() for proxy %s. Cannot set client socket to non blocking mode. Connect() failed for server %s/%s: %s. Cannot bind to tproxy source address before connect() for server %s/%s. socket(): not enough free sockets. Raise -n argument. Giving up. Cannot bind to source address before connect() for server %s/%s. Cannot bind to source address before connect() for proxy %s. Aborting. Cannot bind to source address before connect() for proxy %s. 'balance uri len' expects a positive integer (got '%s').'balance uri depth' expects a positive integer (got '%s').'balance uri' only accepts parameters 'len' and 'depth' (got '%s').'balance url_param' requires an URL parameter name.'balance hdr(name)' requires an http header field name.'balance' only supports 'roundrobin', 'leastconn', 'source', 'uri', 'url_param' and 'hdr(name)' options.'balance hdr(name)' only accepts 'use_domain_only' modifier.'balance url_param' only accepts check_post modifier.DN %d/%d ↑UP %d/%d ↓NOLB %d/%d ↓no checkMAINTDOWN,DOWN %d/%d,UP %d/%d,UP,NOLB %d/%d,NOLB,no check,MAINT,emptyOPENFULLSTOP activeY%d %% - %lld,%lld,%d,%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,,%lld,%s/%s,%u,,%u,,,,,

%s text/plaintext/html on unlimited MB Refresh: %d ,wx=%s,ax=%s] s0=[%d,%1xh,fd=%d,ex=%s] s1=[%d,%1xh,fd=%d,ex=%s] exp=%s%p: proto=%s run(nice=%d) src=%s:%d fe=%s be=%s srv=%s %05d%c 'stats socket' in global section expects a path to a UNIX socket'stats socket' already specified in global section'stats socket' only supports 'user', 'uid', 'group', 'gid', and 'mode'unknown group '%s' in 'global' section ('stats group')'stats' only supports 'socket', 'maxconn' and 'timeout' in 'global' sectionunexpected character '%c' in 'stats timeout' in 'global' sectionunknown user '%s' in 'global' section ('stats user')a positive value is expected for 'stats timeout' in 'global section'a positive value is expected for 'stats maxconn' in 'global section'# pxname,svname,qcur,qmax,scur,smax,slim,stot,bin,bout,dreq,dresp,ereq,econ,eresp,wretr,wredis,status,weight,act,bck,chkfail,chkdown,lastchg,downtime,qlimit,pid,iid,sid,throttle,lbtot,tracked,type,rate,rate_lim,rate_max,
%s,BACKEND,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%lld,%lld,%lld,%lld,%lld,,%lld,%lld,%lld,%lld,%s,%d,%d,%d,,%d,%d,%d,,%d,%d,0,,%lld,,%d,%u,,%u, %s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s,%lld,%lld,%lld,,%lld,,%lld,%lld,%lld,%lld,DOWN%s,FRONTEND,,,%d,%d,%d,%lld,%lld,%lld,%lld,%lld,%lld,,,,,%s,,,,,,,,,%d,%d,0,,,,%d,%u,%u,%u, HTTP/1.0 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: %s Statistics Report for HAProxy%s%s version 1.3.24, released 2010/03/30


Statistics Report for pid %d%s%s%s%s

> General process information

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServer
Backend%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %lld%lld%s %s%d%d%d %d%s
%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %lld%lld%d%s%svia %s/%s%lld%lld%s

pid = %d (process #%d, nbproc = %d)
uptime = %dd %dh%02dm%02ds
system limits: memmax = %s%s; ulimit-n = %d
maxsock = %d; maxconn = %d; maxpipes = %d
current conns = %d; current pipes = %d/%d
Running tasks: %d/%d

 active UP  backup UP
active UP, going down backup UP, going down
active DOWN, going up backup DOWN, going up
active or backup DOWN  not checked
Note: UP with load-balancing disabled is reported as "NOLB".
Display option:External ressources:

  • Disable refresh
    Name: HAProxy Version: 1.3.24 Release_date: 2010/03/30 Nbproc: %d Process_num: %d Pid: %d Uptime: %dd %dh%02dm%02ds Uptime_sec: %d Memmax_MB: %d Ulimit-n: %d Maxsock: %d Maxconn: %d Maxpipes: %d CurrConns: %d PipesUsed: %d PipesFree: %d Tasks: %d Run_queue: %d node: %s description: %s rq[f=%06xh,l=%d,an=%02xh,rx=%s rp[f=%06xh,l=%d,an=%02xh,rx=%s as=%d ts=%02x age=%s calls=%d WARNING! update detected on this snapshot, dump interrupted. Please re-check! [%02d/%s/%04d:%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d] frontend %s (#%d): invalid request src %s, session #%d, backend %s (#%d), server %s (#%d) request length %d bytes, error at position %d: backend %s (#%d) : invalid response src %s, session #%d, frontend %s (#%d), server %s (#%d) response length %d bytes, error at position %d: <p7Mpe*3req_lenreq_ssl_vertcp-requestcannot do so_reuseaddrcannot bind socketcannot listen to socketinspect-delaycontentrejectresponse-onlylayer 7 (unexpected character '%c')cannot make socket non-blockingnot enough free sockets (raise '-n' parameter)cannot create listening socketcannot bind listener to devicecannot make listening socket transparentacl '%s' involves some %s criteria which will be ignored.'%s %s' expects a positive delay in milliseconds, in %s '%s'ignoring %s %s (was already defined) in %s '%s'missing argument for '%s' in %s '%s'unknown argument '%s' after '%s' in %s '%s''%s %s' expects 'accept' or 'reject', in %s '%s' (was '%s')%s %s is not allowed in 'defaults' sections'%s %s %s' only accepts 'if' or 'unless', in %s '%s' (was '%s')error detected in %s '%s' while parsing '%s' condition%08x:%s.closed[%04x:%04x] %08x:%s.clicls[%04x:%04x] %08x:%s.srvcls[%04x:%04x] Received unhandled signal %d. Signal has been disabled. Signal %d : signal queue is unexpectedly full. Failed to register signal %d : out of range [0..%d]. 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