Changes since version 1.5-dev21 : Thierry FOURNIER (5): BUG/MINOR: pattern: pattern comparison executed twice BUG/MEDIUM: map: segmentation fault with the stats's socket command "set map ..." BUG/MEDIUM: pattern: Segfault in binary parser MINOR: pattern: move functions for grouping pat_match_* and pat_parse_* and add documentation. MINOR: standard: The parse_binary() returns the length consumed and his documentation is updated Willy Tarreau (36): BUILD: last release inadvertently prepended a "+" in front of the date BUG/MEDIUM: stream-int: fix the keep-alive idle connection handler BUG/MEDIUM: backend: do not re-initialize the connection's context upon reuse BUG: Revert "OPTIM/MEDIUM: epoll: fuse active events into polled ones during polling changes" BUG/MINOR: checks: successful check completion must not re-enable MAINT servers MINOR: http: try to stick to same server after status 401/407 BUG/MINOR: http: always disable compression on HTTP/1.0 OPTIM: poll: restore polling after a poll/stop/want sequence OPTIM: http: don't stop polling for read on the client side after a request BUG/MEDIUM: checks: unchecked servers could not be enabled anymore BUG/MEDIUM: stats: the web interface must check the tracked servers before enabling BUG/MINOR: channel: CHN_INFINITE_FORWARD must be unsigned BUG/MINOR: stream-int: do not clear the owner upon unregister MEDIUM: stats: add support for HTTP keep-alive on the stats page BUG/MEDIUM: stats: fix HTTP/1.0 breakage introduced in previous patch Revert "MEDIUM: stats: add support for HTTP keep-alive on the stats page" MAJOR: channel: add a new flag CF_WAKE_WRITE to notify the task of writes OPTIM: session: set the READ_DONTWAIT flag when connecting BUG/MINOR: http: don't clear the SI_FL_DONT_WAKE flag between requests MINOR: session: factor out the connect time measurement MEDIUM: session: prepare to support earlier transitions to the established state MEDIUM: stream-int: make si_connect() return an established state when possible MINOR: checks: use an inline function for health_adjust() OPTIM: session: put unlikely() around the freewheeling code MEDIUM: config: report a warning when multiple servers have the same name BUG: Revert "OPTIM: poll: restore polling after a poll/stop/want sequence" BUILD/MINOR: listener: remove a glibc warning on accept4() BUG/MAJOR: connection: fix mismatch between rcv_buf's API and usage BUILD: listener: fix recent accept4() again BUG/MAJOR: ssl: fix breakage caused by recent fix abf08d9 BUG/MEDIUM: polling: ensure we update FD status when there's no more activity MEDIUM: listener: fix polling management in the accept loop MINOR: protocol: improve the proto->drain() API MINOR: connection: add a new conn_drain() function MEDIUM: tcp: report in tcp_drain() that lingering is already disabled on close MEDIUM: connection: update callers of ctrl->drain() to use conn_drain()