Changes since version 1.5.12 : Baptiste Assmann (1): BUG/MINOR: check: fix tcpcheck error message Godbach (1): CLEANUP: deinit: remove codes for cleaning p->block_rules Pavlos Parissis (1): DOC: Update doc about weight, act and bck fields in the statistics Remi Gacogne (3): MINOR: ssl: add a destructor to free allocated SSL ressources BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: fix tune.ssl.default-dh-param value being overwritten MEDIUM: ssl: replace standards DH groups with custom ones Thierry FOURNIER (1): BUG/MINOR: debug: display (null) in place of "meth" William Lallemand (2): BUG/MINOR: cfgparse: fix typo in 'option httplog' error message BUG/MEDIUM: cfgparse: segfault when userlist is misused Willy Tarreau (9): BUG/MEDIUM: stats: properly initialize the scope before dumping stats BUG/MEDIUM: http: don't forward client shutdown without NOLINGER except for tunnels CLEANUP: checks: fix double usage of cur / current_step in tcp-checks BUG/MEDIUM: checks: do not dereference head of a tcp-check at the end CLEANUP: checks: simplify the loop processing of tcp-checks BUG/MAJOR: checks: always check for end of list before proceeding BUG/MEDIUM: checks: do not dereference a list as a tcpcheck struct BUG/MEDIUM: peers: apply a random reconnection timeout BUG/MINOR: ssl: fix smp_fetch_ssl_fc_session_id