Changes since version 1.9-dev1 : Bertrand Jacquin (1): DOC: ssl: Use consistent naming for TLS protocols Christopher Faulet (17): BUG/MINOR: buffers: Fix b_slow_realign when a buffer is realign without output MEDIUM: mux: Remove const on the buffer in mux->snd_buf() CLEANUP: backend: Move mux install to call it at only one place MINOR: conn_stream: add an tx buffer to the conn_stream MINOR: conn_stream: add cs_send() as a default snd_buf() function MINOR: backend: Try to find the best mux for outgoing connections MEDIUM: backend: don't rely on mux_pt_ops in connect_server() MINOR: mux: Add info about the supported side in alpn_mux_list structure MINOR: mux: Unlink ALPN and multiplexers to rather speak of mux protocols MINOR: mux: Print the list of existing mux protocols during HA startup BUG/MINOR: threads: Remove the unexisting lock label "UPDATED_SERVERS_LOCK" BUG/MEDIUM: stream_int: Don't check CO_FL_SOCK_RD_SH flag to trigger cs receive MINOR: mux: Change get_mux_proto to get an ist as parameter MINOR: mux: Improve the message with the list of existing mux protocols MINOR: mux/frontend: Add 'proto' keyword to force the mux protocol MINOR: mux/server: Add 'proto' keyword to force the multiplexer's protocol MEDIUM: mux: Use the mux protocol specified on bind/server lines Cyril Bonté (2): BUG/MEDIUM: lua: socket timeouts are not applied BUG/MINOR: lua: fix extra 500ms added to socket timeouts Emeric Brun (4): BUG/MINOR: ssl: empty connections reported as errors. BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: fix missing error loading a keytype cert from a bundle. BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: loading dh param from certifile causes unpredictable error. BUG/MINOR: map: fix map_regm with backref Frédéric Lécaille (2): REGTEST/MINOR: Missing mandatory "ignore_unknown_macro". REGTEST/MINOR: Add a new class of regression testing files. Jens Bissinger (1): DOC: Fix spelling error in configuration doc Lukas Tribus (1): DOC: dns: explain set server ... fqdn requires resolver Olivier Houchard (18): MINOR: connections: Make rcv_buf mandatory and nuke cs_recv(). MINOR: connections: Move rxbuf from the conn_stream to the h2s. MINOR: connections: Get rid of txbuf. MINOR: tasks: Allow tasklet_wakeup() to wakeup a task. MINOR: connections/mux: Add the wait reason(s) to wait_list. MINOR: stream_interface: Don't use si_cs_send() as a task handler. MINOR: stream_interface: Give stream_interface its own wait_list. MINOR: mux_h2: Don't use h2_send() as a callback. MINOR: checks: Add event_srv_chk_io(). BUG/MEDIUM: tasks: Don't insert in the global rqueue if nbthread == 1 BUG/MEDIUM: sessions: Don't use t->state. MINOR: tasks: Don't special-case when nbthreads == 1 MINOR: fd cache: And the thread_mask with all_threads_mask. BUG/MEDIUM: streams: Don't forget to remove the si from the wait list. BUG/MEDIUM: tasklets: Add the thread as active when waking a tasklet. BUG/MEDIUM: stream-int: Check if the conn_stream exist in si_cs_io_cb. BUG/MEDIUM: H2: Activate polling after successful h2_snd_buf(). BUG/MEDIUM: stream_interface: Call the wake callback after sending. Patrick Hemmer (6): MINOR: stream: rename {srv,prx}_queue_size to *_queue_pos MINOR: queue: store the queue index in the stream when enqueuing MINOR: queue: replace the linked list with a tree MEDIUM: add set-priority-class and set-priority-offset MEDIUM: queue: adjust position based on priority-class and priority-offset DOC: add documentation for prio_class and prio_offset sample fetches. Willy Tarreau (29): BUG/MEDIUM: threads: fix the no-thread case after the change to the sync point BUG/MEDIUM: servers: check the queues once enabling a server BUG/MEDIUM: queue: prevent a backup server from draining the proxy's connections MEDIUM: checks: use the new rendez-vous point to spread check result MEDIUM: haproxy: don't use sync_poll_loop() anymore in the main loop MINOR: threads: remove the previous synchronization point MAJOR: server: make server state changes synchronous again CLEANUP: server: remove the update list and the update lock BUG/MEDIUM: connection/mux: take care of serverless proxies MINOR: queue: make sure the pendconn is released before logging DOC: update the roadmap about priority queues DOC: update the layering design notes BUG/MEDIUM: server: update our local state before propagating changes BUG/MEDIUM: cli/threads: protect all "proxy" commands against concurrent updates DOC: server/threads: document which functions need to be called with/without locks BUG/MEDIUM: cli/threads: protect some server commands against concurrent operations BUG/MAJOR: queue/threads: make pendconn_redistribute not lock the server BUG/MEDIUM: connection: don't forget to always delete the list's head BUG/MEDIUM: lb/threads: always properly lock LB algorithms on maintenance operations BUG/MEDIUM: check/threads: do not involve the rendez-vous point for status updates BUG/MINOR: chunks: do not store -1 into chunk_printf() in case of error BUG/MEDIUM: http: don't store exp_replace() result in the trash's length BUG/MEDIUM: http: don't store url_decode() result in the samples's length BUG/MEDIUM: dns: don't store dns_build_query() result in the trash's length BUG/MEDIUM: map: don't store exp_replace() result in the trash's length BUG/MEDIUM: connection: don't store recv() result into BUG/MEDIUM: cli/ssl: don't store base64dec() result in the trash's length MINOR: chunk: remove impossible tests on negative chunk->data MINOR: sample: remove impossible tests on negative smp->