Changes since version 2.0-dev6 : Frédéric Lécaille (5): MINOR peers: data structure simplifications for server names dictionary cache. DOC: peers: Update for dictionary cache entries for peers protocol. MINOR: dict: Store the length of the dictionary entries. MINOR: peers: A bit of optimization when encoding cached server names. MINOR: peers: Optimization for dictionary cache lookup. Olivier Houchard (3): MINOR: chunks: Make sure trash_size is only set once. BUG/MEDIUM: H1: When upgrading, make sure we don't free the buffer too early. BUG/MEDIUM: stream_interface: Make sure we call si_cs_process() if CS_FL_EOI. Willy Tarreau (6): BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h2: make sure the connection timeout is always set MINOR: tools: add new bitmap manipulation functions MINOR: logs: use the new bitmap functions instead of fd_sets for encoding maps Revert "MINOR: chunks: Make sure trash_size is only set once." MINOR: threads: serialize threads initialization MEDIUM: tools: improve time format error detection