Changes since version 2.2.24 : Christopher Faulet (5): MEDIUM: http-ana: Add a proxy option to restrict chars in request header names REGTESTS: abortonclose: Fix some race conditions BUG/MEDIUM: config: Reset outline buffer size on realloc error in readcfgfile() BUG/MINOR: check: Reinit the buffer wait list at the end of a check BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: Don't defer resolutions release in deinit function David Carlier (1): BUILD: fix build warning on solaris based systems with __maybe_unused. Emeric Brun (4): BUG/MEDIUM: peers: fix segfault using multiple bind on peers sections BUG/MEDIUM: peers: prevent unitialized multiple listeners on peers section DOC: peers: clarify when entry expiration date is renewed. DOC: peers: fix port number and addresses on new peers section format Ilya Shipitsin (2): CI: determine actual LibreSSL version dynamically CI: determine actual OpenSSL version dynamically Remi Tricot-Le Breton (1): BUG/MINOR: ssl: Fix crash when no private key is found in pem Thayne McCombs (1): BUG/MEDIUM: sample: Fix adjusting size in word converter Tim Duesterhus (2): BUG/MEDIUM: http: Properly reject non-HTTP/1.x protocols REGTESTS: Do not use REQUIRE_VERSION for HAProxy 2.5+ (2) Willy Tarreau (6): BUG/MINOR: cfgparse: abort earlier in case of allocation error BUG/MINOR: peers: fix error reporting of "bind" lines SCRIPTS: add make-releases-json to recreate a releases.json file in download dirs SCRIPTS: make publish-release try to launch make-releases-json DOC: peers: indicate that some server settings are not usable BUG/MINOR: conn_stream: do not confirm a connection from the frontend path