Changes since version 2.3-dev4 : Brad Smith (1): BUILD: makefile: change default value of CC from gcc to cc Ilya Shipitsin (4): CLEANUP: Update .gitignore BUILD: introduce possibility to define ABORT_NOW() conditionally CI: travis-ci: help Coverity to recognize abort() CI: travis-ci: split asan step out of running tests Olivier Houchard (1): BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: Don't call ssl_sock_io_cb() directly. Tim Duesterhus (3): DOC: Fix typo in iif() example BUG/MINOR: Fix type passed of sizeof() for calloc() CLEANUP: Do not use a fixed type for 'sizeof' in 'calloc' William Lallemand (1): BUG/MINOR: ssl: verifyhost is case sensitive Willy Tarreau (3): CLEANUP: tree-wide: use VAR_ARRAY instead of [0] in various definitions BUILD: connection: fix build on clang after the VAR_ARRAY cleanup BUG/MINOR: server: report correct error message for invalid port on "socks4"