Changes since version 2.6-dev0 : Amaury Denoyelle (7): MINOR: quic: do not reject PADDING followed by other frames REORG: quic: add comment on rare thread concurrence during CID alloc CLEANUP: quic: add comments on CID code MEDIUM: quic: handle CIDs to rattach received packets to connection MINOR: qpack: support litteral field line with non-huff name MINOR: quic: activate QUIC traces at compilation MINOR: quic: use more verbose QUIC traces set at compile-time Bertrand Jacquin (1): BUG/MINOR: lua: remove loop initial declarations Christopher Faulet (17): BUG/MINOR: cache: Fix loop on cache entries in "show cache" BUG/MEDIUM: cli: Properly set stream analyzers to process one command at a time BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h1: Fix splicing by properly detecting end of message BUG/MINOR: mux-h1: Fix splicing for messages with unknown length MINOR: mux-h1: Improve H1 traces by adding info about http parsers MINOR: mux-h1: register a stats module MINOR: mux-h1: add counters instance to h1c MINOR: mux-h1: count open connections/streams on stats MINOR: mux-h1: add stat for total count of connections/streams MINOR: mux-h1: add stat for total amount of bytes received and sent REGTESTS: h1: Add a script to validate H1 splicing support BUG/MINOR: server: Don't rely on last default-server to init server SSL context BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: Detach query item on response error MEDIUM: resolvers: No longer store query items in a list into the response BUG/MEDIUM: h1: Properly reset h1m flags when headers parsing is restarted BUG/MINOR: resolvers: Don't overwrite the error for invalid query domain name BUILD: bug: Fix error when compiling with -DDEBUG_STRICT_NOCRASH David CARLIER (1): MEDIUM: pool: Following up on previous pool trimming update. David Carlier (2): MEDIUM: pool: refactor malloc_trim/glibc and jemalloc api addition detections. MEDIUM: pool: support purging jemalloc arenas in trim_all_pools() Emeric Brun (1): BUG/MAJOR: segfault using multiple log forward sections. Frédéric Lécaille (12): MINOR: quic: Set "no_application_protocol" alert MINOR: quic: More accurate immediately close. MINOR: quic: Immediately close if no transport parameters extension found MINOR: quic: Rename qc_prep_hdshk_pkts() to qc_prep_pkts() MINOR: quic: Possible crash when inspecting the xprt context MINOR: quic: Dynamically allocate the secrete keys MINOR: quic: Add a function to derive the key update secrets MINOR: quic: Add structures to maintain key phase information MINOR: quic: Optional header protection key for quic_tls_derive_keys() MINOR: quic: Add quic_tls_key_update() function for Key Update MINOR: quic: Enable the Key Update process MINOR: quic: Delete the ODCIDs asap Remi Tricot-Le Breton (1): BUG/MINOR: vars: Fix the set-var and unset-var converters Tim Duesterhus (1): BUG/MEDIUM: sample: Fix memory leak in sample_conv_jwt_member_query William Lallemand (6): BUG/MINOR: httpclient: allow to replace the host header BUG/MINOR: lua: don't expose internal proxies MEDIUM: mworker: seamless reload use the internal sockpairs BUG/MINOR: mworker: does not add the -sf in wait mode BUG/MEDIUM: mworker: FD leak of the eventpoll in wait mode BUG/MINOR: mworker: deinit of thread poller was called when not initialized Willy Tarreau (3): BUILD: pools: only detect link-time jemalloc on ELF platforms CI: github actions: add the output of $CC -dM -E- BUILD: evports: remove a leftover from the dead_fd cleanup