Changes since version 2.6-dev10 : Amaury Denoyelle (21): BUG/MEDIUM: ncbuf: fix null buffer usage MINOR: ncbuf: fix warnings for testing build BUG/MEDIUM: quic: fix Rx buffering OPTIM: quic: realign empty Rx buffer BUG/MINOR: ncbuf: fix ncb_is_empty() MINOR: ncbuf: refactor ncb_advance() BUG/MINOR: mux-quic: update session's idle delay before stream creation MINOR: h3: do not wait a complete frame for demuxing MINOR: h3: flag demux as full on HTX full MEDIUM: mux-quic: implement recv on io-cb MINOR: mux-quic: remove qcc_decode_qcs() call in XPRT MINOR: mux-quic: reorganize flow-control frames emission MINOR: mux-quic: implement MAX_STREAM_DATA emission MINOR: mux-quic: implement MAX_DATA emission BUG/MINOR: mux-quic: support nul buffer with qc_free_ncbuf() MINOR: mux-quic: free RX buf if empty BUG/MINOR: quic: break for error on sendto MINOR: quic: abort on unlisted errno on sendto() MINOR: quic: detect EBADF on sendto() BUG/MEDIUM: quic: fix initialization for local/remote TPs CLEANUP: quic: adjust comment/coding style for TPs init Christopher Faulet (30): MEDIUM: http-ana: Add a proxy option to restrict chars in request header names CLEANUP: conn-stream: Remove cs_applet_shut declaration from header file MINOR: applet: Prepare appctx to own the session on frontend side MINOR: applet: Let the frontend appctx release the session MINOR: applet: Change return value for .init callback function MINOR: stream: Export stream_free() MINOR: applet: Add appctx_init() helper fnuction MINOR: applet: Add a function to finalize frontend appctx startup MINOR: applet: Add function to release appctx on error during init stage MEDIUM: dns: Refactor dns appctx creation MEDIUM: spoe: Refactor SPOE appctx creation MEDIUM: lua: Refactor cosocket appctx creation MEDIUM: httpclient: Refactor http-client appctx creation MINOR: sink: Add a ref to sink in the sink_forward_target structure MEDIUM: sink: Refactor sink forwarder appctx creation MINOR: peers: Add a ref to peers section in the peer structure MEDIUM: peers: Refactor peer appctx creation MINOR: applet: Add API to start applet on a thread subset MEDIUM: applet: Add support for async appctx startup on a thread subset MINOR: conn-stream/applet: Stop setting appctx as the endpoint context CLEANUP: proxy: Remove dead code when parsing "http-restrict-req-hdr-names" option REGTESTS: abortonclose: Fix some race conditions BUG/MINOR: spoe: Fix error handling in spoe_init_appctx() CLEANUP: peers: Remove unreachable code in peer_session_create() CLEANUP: httpclient: Remove useless test on ss_dst in httpclient_applet_init() BUG/MEDIUM: config: Reset outline buffer size on realloc error in readcfgfile() BUG/MINOR: check: Reinit the buffer wait list at the end of a check MEDIUM: check: No longer shutdown the connection in .wake callback function REORG: check: Rename and export I/O callback function MEDIUM: check: Use the CS to handle subscriptions for read/write events David Carlier (2): BUILD: fix build warning on solaris based systems with __maybe_unused. MINOR: tools: add get_exec_path implementation for solaris based systems. Ilya Shipitsin (1): CI: determine actual LibreSSL version dynamically Maciej Zdeb (2): MINOR: peers: Track number of applets run by thread MEDIUM: peers: Balance applets across threads Remi Tricot-Le Breton (5): MEDIUM: ssl: Delay random generator initialization after config parsing MINOR: ssl: Add 'ssl-propquery' global option MINOR: ssl: Add 'ssl-provider' global option BUG/MINOR: ssl: Fix crash when no private key is found in pem MINOR: ssl: Add 'ssl-provider-path' global option Tim Duesterhus (4): CLEANUP: Add missing header to ssl_utils.c CLEANUP: Add missing header to hlua_fcn.c CLEANUP: Remove unused function hlua_get_top_error_string CLEANUP: http_ana: Make use of the return value of stream_generate_unique_id()