Changes since version 2.7.6 : Amaury Denoyelle (19): MINOR: quic: derive first DCID from client ODCID MINOR: quic: remove ODCID dedicated tree MINOR: quic: remove address concatenation to ODCID BUG/MINOR: task: allow to use tasklet_wakeup_after with tid -1 CLEANUP: quic: remove unused QUIC_LOCK label CLEANUP: quic: remove unused scid_node CLEANUP: quic: remove unused qc param on stateless reset token CLEANUP: quic: rename quic_connection_id vars MINOR: quic: remove uneeded tasklet_wakeup after accept MINOR: quic: adjust Rx packet type parsing MINOR: quic: adjust quic CID derive API MINOR: quic: remove TID ref from quic_conn BUG/MINOR: quic: transform qc_set_timer() as a reentrant function BUG/MEDIUM: quic: prevent crash on Retry sending BUG/MINOR: mux-quic: fix crash with app ops install failure BUG/MINOR: mux-quic: properly handle STREAM frame alloc failure BUG/MINOR: h3: fix crash on h3s alloc failure BUG/MINOR: quic: prevent crash on qc_new_conn() failure BUG/MINOR: quic: consume Rx datagram even on error Aurelien DARRAGON (18): MINOR: proxy/pool: prevent unnecessary calls to pool_gc() BUG/MEDIUM: proxy/sktable: prevent watchdog trigger on soft-stop BUG/MINOR: backend: make be_usable_srv() consistent when stopping MINOR: server: add SRV_F_DELETED flag BUG/MINOR: server/del: fix srv->next pointer consistency BUG/MINOR: stats: properly handle server stats dumping resumption BUG/MINOR: sink: free forward_px on deinit() BUG/MINOR: log: free log forward proxies on deinit() BUG/MINOR: hlua: hook yield does not behave as expected BUG/MINOR: hlua: enforce proper running context for register_x functions CLEANUP: hlua: fix conflicting comment in hlua_ctx_destroy() MINOR: hlua: add simple hlua reference handling API BUG/MINOR: hlua: fix reference leak in core.register_task() BUG/MINOR: hlua: fix reference leak in hlua_post_init_state() BUG/MINOR: hlua: prevent function and table reference leaks on errors MINOR: hlua: simplify lua locking BUG/MEDIUM: hlua: prevent deadlocks with main lua lock BUG/MINOR: errors: invalid use of memprintf in startup_logs_init() Christopher Faulet (13): Revert "BUG/MEDIUM: stconn: Don't rearm the read expiration date if EOI was reached" BUG/MEDIUM: mux-h2: Be able to detect connection error during handshake BUG/MEDIUM: channel: Improve reports for shut in co_getblk() BUG/MEDIUM: dns: Properly handle error when a response consumed MINOR: http-ana: Add a HTTP_MSGF flag to state the Expect header was checked BUG/MINOR: http-ana: Don't switch message to DATA when waiting for payload BUG/MEDIUM: dns: Kill idle DNS sessions during stopping stage BUG/MINOR: resolvers: Wakeup DNS idle task on stopping BUG/MEDIUM: resolvers: Force the connect timeout for DNS resolutions BUG/MINOR: stream: Fix test on SE_FL_ERROR on the wrong entity REGTESTS: fix the race conditions in log_uri.vtc BUG/MEDIUM: log: Properly handle client aborts in syslog applet CLEANUP: backend: Remove useless debug message in assign_server() David Carlier (1): BUILD: da: extends CFLAGS to support API v3 from 3.1.7 and onwards. Frédéric Lécaille (40): BUG/MINOR: quic: Missing padding in very short probe packets BUG/MINOR: quic: Wrong use of now_ms timestamps (cubic algo) MINOR: quic: Add recovery related information to "show quic" BUG/MINOR: quic: Wrong use of now_ms timestamps (newreno algo) BUG/MINOR: quic: Missing max_idle_timeout initialization for the connection MINOR: quic: Implement cubic state trace callback MINOR: quic: Adjustments for generic control congestion traces MINOR: quic: Traces adjustments at proto level. MEDIUM: quic: Ack delay implementation BUG/MINOR: quic: Wrong rtt variance computing BUG/MINOR: quic: Remaining useless statements in cubic slow start callback BUG/MINOR: quic: Cubic congestion control window may wrap MINOR: quic: Add missing traces in cubic algorithm implementation BUG/MAJOR: quic: Congestion algorithms states shared between the connection BUG/MINOR: quic: Remove useless BUG_ON() in newreno and cubic algo implementation MINOR: quic: Add trace to debug idle timer task issues BUG/MINOR: quic: Unexpected connection closures upon idle timer task execution BUG/MINOR: quic: Wrong idle timer expiration (during 20s) BUILD: quic: 32bits compilation issue in cli_io_handler_dump_quic() BUG/MINOR: quic: Possible wrong PTO computing BUG/MINOR: quic: Possible crashes in qc_idle_timer_task() MINOR: quic: Trace fix in quic_pto_pktns() (handshaske status) BUG/MINOR: quic: Wrong packet number space probing before confirmed handshake MINOR: quic: Modify qc_try_rm_hp() traces MINOR: quic: Dump more information at proto level when building packets MINOR: quic: Add a trace for packet with an ACK frame MINOR: quic: Add packet loss and maximum cc window to "show quic" BUG/MINOR: quic: Ignored less than 1ms RTTs MINOR: quic: Add connection flags to traces BUG/MEDIUM: quic: Code sanitization about acknowledgements requirements BUG/MINOR: quic: Possible wrapped values used as ACK tree purging limit. BUG/MINOR: quic: SIGFPE in quic_cubic_update() MINOR: quic: Display the packet number space flags in traces MINOR: quic: Remove a useless test about probing in qc_prep_pkts() BUG/MINOR: quic: Wrong Application encryption level selection when probing BUG/MINOR: quic: Do not use ack delay during the handshakes BUG/MINOR: quic: Stop removing ACK ranges when building packets MINOR: quic: Do not allocate too much ack ranges BUG/MINOR: quic: Unchecked buffer length when building the token BUG/MINOR: quic: Wrong Retry token generation timestamp computing Ilya Shipitsin (1): CI: bump "actions/checkout" to v3 for cross zoo matrix Marcos de Oliveira (1): DOC/MINOR: reformat configuration.txt's "quoting and escaping" table Olivier Houchard (1): BUG/MEDIUM: fd: don't wait for tmask to stabilize if we're not in it. Remi Tricot-Le Breton (1): BUG/MINOR: ssl: ssl-(min|max)-ver parameter not duplicated for bundles in crt-list William Lallemand (4): DOC: config: strict-sni allows to start without certificate BUG/MINOR: mworker: unset more internal variables from program section BUG/MINOR: stick_table: alert when type len has incorrect characters MINOR: ssl: remove OpenSSL 1.0.2 mention into certificate loading error Willy Tarreau (4): MINOR: http-act: emit a warning when a header field name contains forbidden chars BUILD: compiler: fix __equals_1() on older compilers MINOR: activity: add a line reporting the average CPU usage to "show activity" BUG/MINOR: cfgparse: make sure to include openssl-compat